They claim to be descendants of a French duke. 他們自稱是一位法國公爵的後代。 We owe it to our descendants (= people younger than us who will live after we have died) to leave them a clean world to live in. 給子孫後代留下一個清潔的生活環境是我們的職責。 Most of these。
2013 (MMXIII) was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2013th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 13th year of the 3rd millennium and the 21st century, and the 4th year of the 2010s decade. 2013 was the first year since 1987 to contain four different digits (a span of 26。
字詞:朋儔,注音:ㄆㄥˊ ㄔㄡˊ,釋義:友輩、同伴。宋.蘇軾〈送晁美叔發運加司年兄赴闕〉詩:「我年二十無朋儔,當時四海一子由。
民眾在處理舊枕頭時通常會直接丟掉,不過民俗專家柯柏成表示,枕頭會影響一個人的運勢發展,因此就算用舊了想要丟,也有幾點要特別注意,否則當心霉運上身。 柯柏成。
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我家钢化玻璃突然自己裂开了,而且一直在裂,有人知道怎么回事 …
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